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>> Maintenance of VISCOTHERM drives
>> General Maintenance for ROTODIFF's
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The ROTODIFF should always be kept clean.

For cleaning the ROTODIFF use soapy water and a brush. Never use high pressure or steam cleaners. Finally, slightly oil surface to prevent rust.

Maintenance relates to proper care of the hydraulic fluid and to regular replacement of filter elements. The maintenance frequency depends on the type of installation. As experience shows, more than 80% of all failures in hydraulic equipment are a result of a wrong choice of hydraulic fluid and an improper care of the hydraulic fluid. It is therefore of vital importance to give this area all the attention it deserves. Please consult list of approved fluids "Hydraulic oil list (SI2)" and instruction by the equipment and fluid manufacturers.

These are general recommendations; some Rotodiffs may have additional or different maintenance requirements. Please refer to the actual Instruction Manual for correct maintenance procedures.

Split oil is an accident risk, and should be immediately cleaned up.